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Jaira Stewart
Jaira's work


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Jaira Stewart's work shines with the grace she sees around her. Since her early life, growing up on small family farms, she has been inspired by the majesty of the natural world. Her love of horses began at that time. She seeks to reveal their beauty and grandeur in hot sculpted glass.
     Jaira is an alumni participant and intern with The Gerogia O'keefe Art and Leadership Program for Girls. She also studied  black and white photography at The Darkroom. She has used watercolor, clay, metal and paint as tools of expression before glass.  
     In 2009,she began an apprenticeship at Tesuque Glass Works, working with the other artists in the studio. She finds inspiration in the works of Pino Sigoretta and Shelly Musylowski Allen.
     Jaira seeks to evoke the love, hope and wonder of her faith using the vibrancy of glass.